I am now 12 weeks along in this pregnancy. This is the point where people start telling me, "oh the morning sickness will stop soon" and other such nonsense! This is my THIRD pregnancy, I think I am aware of what goes on by now. I know it stops for most, but not all. Please don't feel the need to tell me the facts, I have heard them twice already! Another thing is when they ask how far along I am and then immediately say, "WOW, you are big for 12 weeks!" I will laugh politely but I mean really?! What pregnant lady wants to hear how huge you are?! I am aware that I am big, the fact that NONE of my clothes fit tells me that. This is my third kid and from what I am told it is like this for most, so I am taking that and running with it! :) I would also like people to stop telling me, "Whoa, you know what causes that right? HAHA" Of course I know! Stop acting like this is my 19th baby, 3 is still a "normal" and perfectly acceptable number of kids to have.
Well #2 just woke up from his nap, so the rest of my crazy pregnant lady rants will have to wait until another time!