Monday, April 9, 2012

A kick that can bring such joy!

Well, Daddy felt Baby C kick for the first time tonight. The joy on his face made me smile. It is always exciting when I can first feel it, but I think for Daddies it is just as great. I think it lets them know that there REALLY is a baby in there and we are not just getting fat ;) I can't wait for the boys to feel it. B is at the age that he will be really excited. I found a picture of one of his ultrasounds and showed him and he was pretty excited. W is still to young to really get it, but none the less he will be excited I am sure.

Anyways I have not been on here in a while, so I have not blogged about the sex of baby #3 yet... We are happy to say we are having another little boy! Wish me luck guys. Our boys are such boys too. They love sports and wrestling and dirt and bugs and all that good stuff! Honestly though I can't wait for them all to be about 5. That is when the real fun will start. Dirt bikes and four wheelers! Ahh that is my kinda fun :) I know it will be a tough few years in the beginning, but I am still so excited for it. I am well out numbered now but I know all four of my boys will take wonderful care of me and make sure I am always safe! That in itself makes me smile :)

That is all for now, this Mommy is tired!